My Narcotics Dog

My Narcotics Dog
I'm Chilli

My Girls

My Girls
Happy B-Day

Friday, July 23, 2010


Well here I go again tryin to keep everyone up to date on what is going on with the Vierigs here in Texas.
As most of you know I had back surgery on my L5-S1. They call it a L5-S1 TLIF, basicly they cut you open put a couple of metal bars and some screws in. Then they take bone from my hip and attach it to (like chicken wire) a wire mesh. Then I get to sit at home for 6 months to let it heal. We anyone who knows me I am going crazy being stuck at home. I is has been about 3 months since surgery and I feel much better. After surgery I lost the use and feeling in my left leg. They called it drop leg, I called it @#$%(sorry mom), anyway 3 months later and PT 3 times a week I can put my shoe on myself pain free. My leg is still numb from the knee down but the feeling is comming back (I Hope). Things are looking up for me and my back. I have been able to start working with my dogs agian, whitch I'm hopeing to start making some money and use some the skills I learned while I attended school at World Wide K-9. This is where I picked up my dog Chilli. I am looking forward to working with dog under the umbrella of RafterV. I have a lot to learn but we have a great teacher in my youngest brother Mark. I feel lucky that Matt, and Jamison are dog handlers and I know I can turn to them for help. They both have awesome dogs and the know how to work them. anyway enough about me, bottom line is I am alive and well here in Texas!
